
April 21, 2012

The Most Iconic Newspaper Headlines

If there is one lasting contribution that tabloid journalism can make to the evolution of the human species, then surely it will be the venerable art of the newspaper headline. Flicking through an average edition of the The Sun, or The Daily Mail, or The New York Post you wind up with the distinct sensation that the major reason the newspaper as a whole is so abysmally shit is that well over 75% of the editorial meeting went into coming up with a bitching pun for the front cover. And so, without further ado, here's a list:

Most Amazing Path in the World

The photos in this post are of some very unusual roads. Many of them make you wonder how they were ever built and where they are going. They certainly seem to disprove that the shortest route between two points is a straight line.

April 15, 2012

Sea In The Sea - Incredible scenery

The shot was made on the boat in the middle of the sea

Above the Clouds

The shot taken during the flight from Vienna to Frankfurt.

All Alone

This shot is taken on a Norway’s cliff Prekestolen (also known as Preacher’s Pulpit).

Time to go home

the way the birds are lined up makes the composition extraordinary fantastic