
September 30, 2012

Samsung wins reconsideration of Galaxy Tab sales ban

 SAN FRANCISCO: A U.S. appeals court ruled on Friday that a lower court should reconsider a sales ban against Samsung’s Galaxy Tab 10.1 won by Apple in a patent dispute with the South Korean electronics maker.

The injunction was put in place ahead of a month-long trial that pitted iPhone maker Apple Inc against Samsung Electronics Co Ltd in a closely watched legal battle that ended with a resounding victory for Apple last month on many of its patent violation claims.

However, the jury found that Samsung had not violated the patent that was the basis for the tablet injunction and Samsung argued the sales ban should be lifted. U.S. District Judge Lucy Koh said she could not act because Samsung had already appealed.

In its ruling on Friday, the Federal U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Washington said Koh could now consider the issue.

The decision comes just a month before the South Korean corporation is expected to unveil the second generation of one of its most successful devices, the stylus-equipped Note.

The Galaxy 10.1 is an older model, but the ban still hurts Samsung in the run-up to the pivotal holiday shopping season.

The world’s top two smartphone makers are locked in patent disputes in 10 countries as they vie to dominate the lucrative market, which is growing rapidly.

A U.S. jury found during the just-concluded trial that Samsung had copied critical features of the iPhone and iPad and awarded Apple $1.05 billion in damages. - Reuters

Oil companies, FMCGs drive Pakistani stocks higher

KARACHI: The Pakistani stock market ended higher on Friday, driven by investors’ interest in oil exploration and production companies, traders said.

The Karachi Stock Exchange (KSE) benchmark 100-share index ended 0.40 per cent, or 61.17 points, higher at 15,418.76, on total volume of 113.92 million shares.
“Activity was primarily driven by exploration and production companies as well as fast moving consumer goods companies, where OGDCL itself contributed 47 points to the index. The index was up,” said Suleman Maniya at Al-Meezan Investments.
The Oil and Gas Development Company Limited gained 1.96 per cent to close at 178.06 rupees.
In the currency market, the Pakistani rupee ended stronger at 94.75/94.80 to the dollar compared to Thursday’s close of 94.80/94.85.  Overnight rates in the money market ended flat at 10.40 per cent. - Reuters

String of Iraq car bomb blasts kill at least 32

BAGHDAD: Bombings and shootings killed more than 32 people across Iraq on Sunday, underscoring the government’s struggle with a stubborn insurgency more than nine months after the last US troops withdrew.

In Taji, 20 km (12 miles) north of the capital Baghdad, bombs in three parked cars went off separately, killing 11 people and wounding 24, including several policemen.
Reuters footage of the scene of one of the explosions showed the remains of an exploded car surrounded by several completely and partially destroyed houses and cars.
Taji has one of Iraq’s largest military airbases but the bombing hit a civilian neighbourhood.
“A car bomb entered the area and no one… noticed this. Why did that happen? All the houses were destroyed,” said Khadiar Abas, owner of one of the damaged homes.
In Baghdad, a suicide car bomb and two parked car bombs went off, killing eight people including a police officer and wounding another 11.
Another blast targeted a bus carrying Iranian pilgrims as it passed through the town of Madaen, about 30 km (20 miles) southeast of Baghdad, killing two passers-by and wounding another ten, including seven Iranians.
A suicide bomber in a car blew himself up in the city of Kut, 150 km (95 miles) southeast of Baghdad, killing four policemen, police and local officials said.
No group claimed responsibility for the raft of attacks, but a local al Qaeda affiliate and other Sunni groups have carried out at least one major assault a month since the last American troops left in December.
Al Qaeda’s local wing, the Islamic State of Iraq, says it has begun a new offensive against mainly Shia targets.
Security experts say it has benefited from the conflict in Syria, which has given al-Qaeda the pretext to seek more money and arms from Sunni tribes, politicians and governments.
Security had been tightened in Baghdad and other provinces after dozens of inmates, including convicted members of al Qaeda, fought their way out of a prison in the northern city of Tikrit on Friday using weapons officials said had been smuggled in during family visits.
Two more policemen were killed when a car bomb went off in the town of Balad Ruz, 90 km (55 miles) northeast of Baghdad.
In Mosul, 390 km (240 miles) north of Baghdad, a parked car bomb and two roadside bombs blew up separately, killing a civilian and wounding six.
The last major attacks occurred on Sept. 9, in the capital when a series of bombs in mainly Shia districts ended one of the bloodiest days of the year with more than 100 killed across the country.
Violence in Iraq has eased since its height in 2006-2007 when sectarian fighting killed thousands of people, but Sunni militants are still seeking to undermine the Shia-led government. - Reuters

1.5 million affected by flood in Naseerabad division

QUETTA: The president of the Balochistan chapter of PPP, Mir Sadiq Umrani, said on Sunday that over 400 people had lost their lives and crops worth Rs22 billion had been destroyed in floods in Naseerabad division.

Addressing a press conference, he said the government had provided foodstuffs only to 3 per cent of the people affected by the floods.
He appealed to the government and the United Nations to accelerate the assistance programme to help the needy.
In all, Mr Umrani said, 1.5 million people had been affected. He called upon the well-off people to help the flood-hit people.
He said that floods had also damaged the communications and irrigation systems in the region and people in Dera Murad Jamali were facing a serious shortage of drinking water. - DAWN

Overseas Pakistanis must get right to vote and get elected, says Bilawal

NEW YORK, Sept 30: People’s Party Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari has said that despite all challenges Pakistan is making its first constitutional and peaceful transfer of power from a democratic government to a new democratic government due to a strong and democratic set-up put in place by the PPP.

Addressing an international convention of the PPP here late on Saturday, he said Pakistan had been transformed from a dictatorship into a democracy and “we have restored the supremacy of parliament”.
Mr Bilawal said the PPP would always stand by the overseas Pakistanis and was committed to ensuring the right to vote to them in the elections. “We are committed to the idea that dual-nationals should be able to participate in all our country’s civic matters and that includes the right to contest elections.”
He said that no unelected people had the right to question the loyalty of anyone elected by the people of Pakistan. Therefore, expatriate Pakistanis should be given the right to vote and contest the general elections.
Appreciating the contribution of the Pakistanis living abroad, Mr Bilawal said he could understand their feelings as he was forced to live in exile along with his mother Benazir Bhutto.
Highlighting the achievements of the democratic government, he said: “We have devolved power to the provinces, thus decentralising government and bringing it closer to the people.”
Commenting on the Balochistan situation, the PPP leader said: “With every missing person and with every dead body, we realise a Baloch family loses hope in Pakistan.”
“We have stopped living in denial, and we cannot let the province bleed the way it has and taken historic measures to address the underlying causes of the challenges in Balochistan.”
He said: “Where Musharraf treated the people of Balochistan as enemies of the state we see them as an integral part of our state of Pakistan.”—APP

Masood Haider and Anwar Iqbal add: Mr Bilawal launched the PPP’s election campaign at the convention, underlining the government’s achievements and promising reforms for reviving an ailing economy.
One major achievement that he highlighted – “the first constitutional and peaceful transfer of power from a democratic government to a new democratic government” – is acknowledged by PPP’s rivals as well.
The passion with which he eulogised the government’s response to a recent blasphemous video indicated that the party also planned to use this as a major achievement during the election campaign.
“I join the unanimous chorus of condemnation of a vile, hateful, blasphemous video that has unfortunately incited violence across the Muslim world,” he said.
His father – President Asif Ali Zardari – raised this issue at the UN General Assembly last week and later Pakistan presented a joint declaration at the OIC foreign ministers conference in New York as well. The OIC endorsed the Pakistani move but no other Muslim nation shared its enthusiasm on the issue.
At the PPP convention, speakers likened it to “the great anti-Ahmadiya amendment of 1974”, pledging to the nation that the party would continue to serve Islam and Muslims.
Mr Bilawal also claimed credit for gains his party had little to do with.
“It is under this PPP government that overseas remittances have increased from $6 billion to almost $13 billion,” he said, but failed to mention that it were US-sponsored restrictions on money transfers that made this possible.
Mr Bilawal, who came to the meeting with his sister Bakhtawar Bhutto Zardari and Ambassador Sherry Rehman, also experienced the traditional PPP ‘jiyala’ culture of shouting, pushing and kicking and had to be escorted by security men when the jiyalas mobbed him.
The jiyalas also fought each other with great zest and turned their attention to journalists when there was nobody else to fight with.
Mr Bilawal’s polished manners, British accent and his politeness contrasted sharply with the crowd’s attitude, indicating that he needed greater exposure to the jiyala culture.
He read from a well-written speech, better suited for a think-tank audience in Washington than a ‘jiyala jalsa’.
He reminded the crowd, which pushed women aside when the dinner was served, that the PPP-led parliament had passed more legislation for women than all past parliaments combined.
“This has been the only government not to hold people in prison for their political allegiances,” said Mr Bilawal as rival PPP factions suggested calling police for getting their rivals arrested.
Mr Bilawal also said that the landmark Benazir Income Support Programme had provided food, clothing and shelter to people, a claim obviously aimed at voters in Pakistan than at an audience which depends on the US economy – and not on a safety net – to earn a living. The Waseela-i-Haq Programme was helping the poorest of the poor to improve their lives and providing jobs.
The programme has improved the health of the poor, and has brought education to them.
The PPP leader said despite external shocks that led to fiscal deficit, Pakistan managed to have an annual GDP growth rate of almost four per cent, a claim rejected in a recent IMF report.
“Our exports crossed an historic benchmark of $25 billion this year. Our agricultural policy has transformed Pakistan from a wheat importer to a wheat exporter,” he said.
The PPP government has more than halved inflation from its peak at 25 per cent to 11 per cent, another claim rejected by the IMF.
“The Karachi Stock Exchange is the 4th best performing in the world. Not in South Asia, not in Asia, not in the East, but in the world,” he said.
Mr Bilawal said the PPP government opposed drone strikes and would fight this war on its own terms, not at the dictation of a foreign power. The US media, however, claimed that Pakistan had allowed the US to continue the drone strikes. - DAWN

September 27, 2012

A House You Can Live in Forever

Uniquely decorated home, is the one thing that every person wishes to have. The trend of decorating homes is fond all around the world. Especially, on joyful events, people are a lot more concerned about home decor. If you are one, who is looking to improve the home decor, then you need to follow some special home decor tips and design secrets for a house you can live in forever. Here are some useful home decor tips that will make your home look beautifully decorated.

Decorate the Walls

The first home decor tip is about improving the structure of home. By an improved structure means, you should repair the walls of the home that have destructed paint and bricks. Improve the wall decor and it is important that you paint the walls uniquely. In order to decorate the walls uniquely, the wall plaques are ideal because they boost up the decor of wall immediately.

Lighting Effects

Once, you have decorated the home walls, the other home decor that you need to follow is the lighting effect. Two types of lighting effects are followed by most of the people i.e. natural and atmospheric lighting. Both natural and atmospheric lighting effects enhance the home decor. Depending on your choice, you can choose one of them to decor the home.


Next important home decor tip is about furniture. The furniture is the part of the home that needs to be placed in the right places. In addition, you need to purchase the type of furniture that matches the color of walls and other elements of home decor. Moreover, it is advisable to not to use more than required furniture. It will make your home decor complicated. You should use limited chairs or sofas in a room. Moreover, while purchasing furniture, you should also think about the type of furniture required for home decor. Usually, the wooden furniture is used because the wooden style sofas and chairs attract more. Moreover, the iron furniture is also used for decorating homes.


It has been observed that most people decorate their homes but they forget about the use of fragrance. You should understand that fragrance is the key element of home decor that can let others to feel the comfort in your home. Therefore, you should use fragrance for home decor. However, it is important that you choose a cool and soothing fragrance. There are different kinds of fragrances for home decor are available in the markets. Candles, diffusers, and flowers are also used as home fragrances.
These are few important home decor tips and design secrets for a house you can live in forever. There are plenty of other ways that are helpful for home decor. In order to find more tips about home decor, use search engines and put your query in the search bars. The use of internet will help you to find more home decor tips. In addition, you will be able to see the images of many decorated homes that will help you to understand the way you should improve the looks of your home.


House Painting Can Change the Mood and Value of Your Home

House paint can seem to be a very tedious and complex task which often requires days of scheduling, budgeting and planning. But one thing about house paint is very true and that is, it is most of the time very rewarding and you can enjoy a place with a new look and fresh appeal altogether.

Color Scheme

The first and foremost decision while considering house paint is to decide the color schemes for different rooms. Ideally, for house paint color scheme selection, it is advisable to go for colors on which the entire family agrees. In this way, house paint color scheme will remain attractive and loved by all the family members and they will all feel a part of it.

Moods and Colors

Just before choosing the color for any room for house paint, go through a list of colors which reflects the kind of moods that colors reflect. Blue reflects tranquility, red is the color of energy and the list goes on. According to the surveys, it has been proven that choosing the colors according to their appeals actually affects your mental and physical appeal.

The Value Factor

When considering the house paint, it is extremely important to focus on the quality of house paint in order to have a lasting impact, shine and smoothness. Therefore, looking through different house paint companies and discussing with house painters is a good option. In this way, you can select the best house paint for the interior and exterior of your house and you will be satisfied to spend money on something worthwhile.

Seasonal House Paint and Fun

It is not always necessary that you go for house paint annually or after a few years, rather for change, you can opt for seasonal house paint options too. You can go for house paint of only a few rooms or just one room. In this way, you will be following the latest home decor and house paint trends at the same time and your budget will not be much affected.

Change is for Good

Lastly, always remember that changes are for good. Any change in the environment and your surroundings can lift your mood tremendously. Home is like your personal paradise, therefore, house paint can be a great way to bring change in your life and refresh yourself. Moreover, it is not just you who will be happy to have a change through house paint but your family will be happy too. Once you get appreciation from your friends, house paint will be the best of all changes in your life to bring you a smile.

So, start planning house paint activities and get ready to lift your mood and value to your home in a much pleasant way!


Staying Healthy - Keeping Stress Away

Life is to live! And to live healthy.

With the world getting more advanced and fast paced, the expectations have also increased. Consequently, the competition to be on the top of the game is forcing people to resort to stressful living. In the race to be on the peak, health is being neglected by most of the community.

Healthy living and stress management go hand in hand. The best practice for you to manage your stress is never to forget that. In the best or worst events of life, you might not be able to achieve the intended goal of your life if your health is not up to the desired standards.

Secondly, balanced diet might seem like more of a dietary requirement, but your overall health depends on what you consume and how you consume it. Too much of one particular dietary substance can have negative impact on the health. You might think you are doing good to your body by eating less, but the key is to eat good and complementing it with appropriate physical exercise for your best health.

Moreover, your health and peace of mind will be certainly restored if you try to do good for the people around you. Giving back to the community in your own capacity reinstates the purpose of your life. The satisfaction gained from such work helps you to have better perspective of life.

As mentioned previously, merely eating less is not recommended, but you must have some physical exertion for the benefit of your health. A regular walk, workout, aerobics, or any activity that might take the pressure off you is your best bet. Not only will that keep your stress levels down, but also restores the active lifestyle and health for you.

Those who think that they are not healthy due to overweight, they should get in contact with some good nutritionist and never try to plan their own diet by eating less. Nutritionists always suggest the best mix suitable for your body. They would not recommend you to starve but suggest right amount of healthy food. For maintaining health, good food along with right quantity and timing is highly important.

Laughing and staying happy might sound a cliche, but it works well for everyone. Happiness can neither be bought, nor be sold. So, create that for yourself in little or big things.


How to Beat the Rain In Style

Don’t let the rainy season ruin your days. Whatever may the weather be, staying stylish is the key to looking different and setting your mark. Monsoon clothes for men come in a variety of range to choose from. Preparing yourself for monsoons can be very exciting. Downpour, no doubt, affects the routine, but don’t let it ruin your style. Welcome the rain with monsoon style trend by buying these things:

1.    Umbrella

The umbrella is your partner in the rain. It can be a simple monsoon style trend to carry an umbrella along with your brief case to work or during a walk in the park. Whatever may the purpose be, make sure you are not just carrying it for fashion but the shade is sturdy, light weight and is supported by steel frames for wind resistant. No doubt umbrellas are a typical monsoon style for men to carry during the unpredictable rainy days. Mostly made from nylon and polyester, taffeta monsoon umbrellas are resistant to tear.

2.    Shoes

Blend in the monsoon style trend by setting aside your leather shoes and bringing out your rubber sole collection. Leather shoes will not only skid on wet floors, but the sole will be damaged once it gets wet. If you have to go to work, make sure you have nice shoes that keep the water away. Sneakers or easily washable shoes are also an alternate. If you feel like dancing in the rain, the best monsoon style for men is to wear rubber sandals or flip flops.

3.    Trench coats

Coming in a variety of different colors, putting on a trench coat is the best monsoon style for men. If you want to be a true gentleman, you can get one tailor made. Trench coats can be worn on any clothing and can be easily carried by everyone on all sorts of clothing from business suits to T-shirt and a pair of jeans. A coat with a hood is also a good monsoon style trend that will ensure your hair don’t get wet in case you left your umbrella home.

4.    Monsoon Jackets

Being a stylish man means standing out from the crowd. During a rainy day, the challenge is to remain dry in style. Monsoon clothes for men are not just limited to T shirts and a pair of shorts but good waterproof rain jackets have always been a favorite monsoon style trend. These jackets are lightweight and keep you comfortable and dry when the weather becomes wet. Yellow seems to be the monsoon style for men.
Apart from the obvious monsoon season accessories listed above, you can also go for hooded jackets and rain coats which you can easily buy from any men's store. These products not only make you look and feel better, but they will also be gentle on your pocket. During monsoons, make sure you check the weather before leaving your home and carry along a good rain wear to protect you if Mother Nature decides to shower on you.


Latest Hair Trends For Guys To Amaze Ladies

This season, try out something that would surely make a difference for your lady love, something in hair trends that she will love for sure.

The Natural You
Girls love originality and masculinity when it comes to the personality of their guy. Therefore, the same is true for the hair trends. In hair trends, if you are unable to figure out the best of hair trends for you then simply have a look of your own and give it a bit of twist by growing your hair a slightly longer. Longer hair trends are very much in fashion in men’s latest hair trends.

Out of the Bed Look
Nothing in hair trends makes a woman drool over a guy then a rumpled look of hair which is simply irresistible. Yes! In hair trends, out of the bed look is not merely a fashion trend for women but it is one of the hottest looks for men in hair trends too. It is ideal for a lazy weekend lunch, brunch or a day at a beach. Complete this look in hair trends with a nice cotton shirt, shorts or khakis.

Use Caps and Hats
If you are too fussy about your hair and following particular hair trends then this season has something great in hair trends to offer you. In hair trends right now, the use of different treatments and products is very minimal, rather; it is best advised to leave your hair naturally and if you are too uncomfortable then wearing a cap or a hat is a good option. It will not only accessorize your look in hair trends but give you a nice feel too.

Keep it Clean
Lastly and most importantly, nothing will suit you in hair trends unless and until you pay special attention to your cleanliness and hygiene. Your hair needs daily cleaning and washing in order to get rid of not only the dirt but hundreds of germs too. Therefore, as a fundamental step in hair trends, make sure that your hair are nice and clean before following any of the hair trends. Girls are only impressed if you maintain a nice and clean look otherwise, you are a big no for them.


September 26, 2012

Star Studded Paris Fashion Week Through the Years

Paris Fashion Week is here, and to celebrate we are taking a look back at some of the famous faces who have lined the runways. Victoria Beckham and Katie Holmes made a statement with their arrival in 2006 while Kristen Stewart stepped out for Balenciaga earlier this year. Claire Danes, Jessica Alba, and Kate Hudson have also showed up for the stylish fun.....See full article at

Samsung launches new oversized smartphone

 SEOUL: Samsung launched the newest version of its oversized smartphone Galaxy Note on Wednesday, just a week after Apple’s iPhone 5 hit shelves, in an apparent bid to outpace its rival with a wider range of gadgets.

The South Korean electronics giant said the Galaxy Note II, first unveiled at a trade fair in Berlin last month, will eventually hit stores in 128 nations including the United States, where the firm’s recently lost a $1.05 billion patent case to Apple.
The gadget is slightly bigger than the firm’s flagship smartphone Galaxy S series and comes with a stylus “S pen” to write notes or draw on the screen.
“We believe global sales of Galaxy Note II for the first three months will be more than three times those of the previous version,” J.K. Shin, the head of Samsung Electronics’ mobile unit, told reporters.
The world’s top smartphone maker has sold more than 10 million units of the first Galaxy Note since its debut in November and more than 20 million of the latest Galaxy S III, which was launched in late May.
“It took us some time to establish this new product category in the global market… but now we get far better response than the past,” Shin said.
The launch comes after a flurry of new devices from major phone makers including Apple, whose iPhone 5 just days ago enjoyed a record launch weekend with sales topping five million.
Samsung’s smaller rival LG Electronics last week put on sale the new version of its headline Optimus G, hopes it will help the world’s number five phonemaker meet its goal to sell 80 million mobile phones this year.
Galaxy Note II, powered by Google’s Android software – is equipped with a new 1.6 GHz quad-core processor that helps run multiple applications faster than the dual-core processor of the previous version.
About 15.1 centimetres long, 8 centimetres wide, 9.4 millimetres thin and featuring a 5.5-inch touchscreen, it allows users to split the screen in half to view two programmes at once.
“You can exchange chat messages or take part in a video conference while checking e-mails, or take notes while watching a video speech by famous speakers,” said Shin.
Samsung has been embroiled in a long-running patent battle with Apple in 10 countries, including the United States and Germany, with the two rivals accusing each other of stealing design and technology.
Last month the South Korean firm was ordered to pay Apple $1.05 billion in damages for illegally copying iPhone and iPad features for its Galaxy S smartphones. - AFP

Google launches Nexus 7 tablet in Japan

TOKYO: Google said Tuesday it was launching its Nexus 7 tablet computer in Japan, aiming to take on Apple’s iPad in one of the most lucrative markets in the world.

The Nexus 7′s 16 gigabyte model, powered by the latest generation of Android software is available to order at Google Play starting Tuesday and will hit store shelves on October 2.
Priced at 19,800 yen ($255), it comes in around half the price of the lowest spec third generation iPad available in Japan.
Speaking at an event at a Tokyo hotel, executive chairman Eric Schmidt said the rapid-fire growth of its Android operating system would help Google’s seven-inch tablet catch on in Japan.
“Android has grown so fast it’s hard to keep up,” he said. “There are now more than 500 million Android users around the world.”
A survey Google conducted showed 75 per cent of Japanese smartphone owners use their devices for shopping, he noted.
“That points us to the next enormous growth business in Japan,” he said, adding there was “a new wealth that can be created around the Japanese shopping experience”.
Google’s Android operating system is the mainstay for many of Apple’s rivals in the lucrative smartphone industry, growing rapidly around the globe.
In a bold, and expensive, move to tap into that growth, Google itself paid over $12 billion to buy the Motorola Mobility handset business.
But that move raised questions over how Google would balance its own mobile device hardware with supplying the operating system for companies that are now rivals in the intensely competitive race to catch up with Apple’s hit iPhone.
Google has launched Nexus 7 in other markets such as Australia, Canada, Britain, and the United States.-AFP

Weekly inflation inches up

 ISLAMABAD, Sept 25: The weekly inflation rose marginally due to an increase in petrol prices of Rs6.52 per litre, for the week ending Sept 30, according to data released by Pakistan Bureau of Statistics on Tuesday.

According to the data, increase in weekly inflation was more for the higher income groups compared to the low income groups.
Ccompared to the previous week the combined income group witnessed an increase of 0.90 per cent, while the highest income earning more than Rs35,000 per month faced an inflationary impact of 1.06 per cent.
The inflation for upper mid level income group, earning between Rs18,001 and Rs35,000 per month, was 0.87 per cent higher than the previous week.
For the lower middle class earning between Rs8,001 and Rs12,000 per month, the weekly inflation was up 0.69 per cent, and for the lowest income bracket earning up to Rs8,000 per month, SPI increased 0.68 per cent against the previous week.
During the week under review, 20 items witnessed an increase in prices with major increase in the prices of onions and live farm chicken as their prices went up by around Rs10 per kilogram for the week, followed by an increase in petrol prices.
The prices of other items that witnessed increase in prices were cooked beef plate, long cloth, georgette, tea prepared, farm chicken eggs, kerosene oil, garlic, plain bread, shirting, irri-6 rice, potatoes, basmati broken rice, washed moong pulse, gur, mutton,wheat flour and washed mash pulse.
The prices of nine items witnessed a decline during the said week including bananas, tomatoes, diesel, sugar, LPG, loose vegetable ghee, wheat, loose red chillies powder and mustard oil.
However, the prices of 24 items remained unchanged in the week, which included beef, fresh milk, curd, milk powdered, packed cooking oil, packed vegetable ghee, washed masoor pulse, washed gram pulse, loose salt powdered, tea, cooked dal plate, cigarettes, lawn cloth, gents sandal, gents spring chappal, ladies sandal, electric charges, gas charges, firewood, energy savor 14 watts, washing soap, match box, local telephone calls and bath soap. - DAWN

Deadly fighting inside Damascus army HQ

DAMASCUS/BEIRUT: Deadly fighting erupted inside the headquarters compound of the Syrian army in the heart of Damascus on Wednesday following twin bombings around the heavily guarded complex, a human rights group said.

The clashes in the general staff compound in the capital’s Umayyad Square district left dead on both sides, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.
According to the military, Syrian commanders all escaped injury in the twin bombings that struck near the army headquarters.
“Armed terrorist groups with affiliations abroad this morning carried out a new act of terrorism by detonating a car bomb and another device on the edge of the general staff compound,” an army statement said.
“All senior commanders and other officers are safe and sound, and none of them was wounded,” the statement carried by state media said.
The early morning explosions sparked a fire in the Syrian capital’s closely guarded Umayyad Square administrative district, state television said.
The Britain-based watchdog Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said that both blasts were accompanied by automatic weapons fire.-  AFP

Two million displaced by India floods

 GUWAHATI: Floods in northeastern India have forced two million to flee their homes and 18 people have been killed, the disaster management agency in Assam state said on Wednesday.

“The total number of people displaced has gone up to two million and 18 people are dead so far in the third wave of flooding,” the disaster management department said in its latest bulletin.
At least 19 of oil-rich Assam’s 27 districts have been hit by floods over the past week and fresh rainfalls have been hampering a military-backed relief operation, according to officials.
“Rains and strong river currents are hampering relief and rescue operations by soldiers and Indian Air Force helicopters,” defence ministry spokesman S.S.
Phogat said in Guwahati, Assam’s largest city.
He said despite bad weather heavy-lift helicopters were carrying out between eight and 10 sorties a day, dropping up to 1.5 tonnes of food, medicine and relief materials during each trip.
Phogat said he was unable to put a figure on the number of people rescued so far from flooded homes.
“Our priority right now is to rescue trapped people and reach food and medicines to those affected,” he told AFP.
Some residents from flooded Majuli, a densely populated river island about 350 kilometres from Guwahati, complained of food shortages as well as a lack of government support.
“We have not got any relief supplies from the government and are almost starving,” said Rupamoni Payeng, a mother of three children.
“Some food packets were dropped by helicopters, but there was a mad scramble and only a few managed to collect,” she added. - AFP

September 24, 2012

Aishwarya Rai named Goodwill Ambassador for UNAIDS

Indian actress Aishwarya Rai Bachchan was today appointed as the new international Goodwill Ambassador for UNAIDS, the joint UN programme on AIDS and HIV.

The announcement was made at the UN headquarters here by UNAIDS Executive Director Michel Sidibe on the sidelines of the 67th session of the UN General Assembly.

In her new role, she will help raise awareness on issues related to stopping new HIV infections in children and advocate for increased access to anti-retroviral treatment. "I am honoured to accept this appointment. Spreading awareness on health issues specially related to women and children has always been a priority for me and now as a new mother I can personally relate to this -- the joys and concerns of every mother and the hopes that we have for our children," she said.

Her main focus will be to advocate for the global plan towards the elimination of new HIV infections among children and keeping their mothers alive. This plan was launched at the UN in June 2011 and focuses on 22 countries including India, which account for more than 90 per cent of all new HIV infections among children.

Rai said she strongly believes that every baby should be born free from HIV. "I promise that with UNAIDS I will do my utmost to make this happen," she said. Sidibe said through Aishwarya's global outreach he is convinced that she will be able to help UNAIDS reach its goal of eliminating new HIV infections among children by 2015. UNAIDS, which is focused on working towards universal access to HIV treatment, prevention, care and support, said 34.2 million people were living with HIV in 2011.

The new appointment will be one of Rai's first and most important associations with the United Nations. Last week, she had joined UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and renowned Hollywood actor Michael Douglas at a ceremony here to commemorate the International Day of Peace. She had also addressed a large group of students from varied backgrounds during a panel discussion on 'Sustainable Peace for a Sustainable Future'.

Later today, she would meet India's Permanent Representative to the UN Hardeep Singh Puri. Bachchan's father-in-law Amitabh Bachchan had served as the International Goodwill Ambassador for UNICEF. (Press Trust of India)

2012 Emmy Awards Winners List

The Primetime Emmy Awards Ceremony took place Sunday night at the Nokia Theatre in Downtown Los Angeles. Here is a list of winners:

Best drama: “Homeland.”
Best comedy: “Modern Family.”
Best miniseries or movie: “Game Change.”
Best drama actress: Claire Danes, “Homeland.”
Best drama actor Damian Lewis, “Homeland.”
Best drama supporting actress: Maggie Smith, “Downton Abbey.”
Best supporting actor: Aaron Paul, “Breaking Bad.”
Best drama director:Tim Van Patten, “Boardwalk Empire.”
Best drama writer: Alex Gansa, Howard Gordon, Gideon Raff, “Homeland.”
Best comedy actress: Julia Louis-Dreyfus, “Veep.”
Best comedy actor: Jon Cryer, “Two And A Half Men.”
Best comedy supporting actress: Julie Bowen, “Modern Family.”
Best comedy supporting actor: Eric Stonestreet, “Modern Family.”
Best comedy director: Steven Levitan, “Modern Family.”
Best comedy series writer: Louis C.K.
Best miniseries or movie actress: Julianne Moore, “Game Change.”
Best miniseries or movie actor: Kevin Costner, “Hatfields & McCoys.”
Best miniseries or movie supporting actress: Jessica Lange, “American Horror Story.”
Best miniseries or movie supporting actor Tom Berenger, “Hatfields & McCoys.”
Best miniseries or movie director: Jay Roach, “Game Change.”
Best miniseries or movie writer: Danny Strong, “Game Change.”
Best variety series: “The Daily Show With Jon Stewart.”


September 23, 2012

Euro falls against dollar, yen in Asia

TOKYO: The euro fell against the dollar and yen in Asia on Monday as risk appetite was dampened by uncertainty over the progress on Greek budget cuts to qualify for a new tranche of rescue cash, dealers said.

The euro bought $1.2944 and 101.03 yen in Tokyo afternoon trade, down from $1.2985 and 101.42 yen in New York late Friday.
The dollar was changing hands at 78.02 yen, down slightly from 78.12 yen.
Athens and its international lenders have still not reached agreement on a new round of austerity that will see it given more bailout money, Kengo Suzuki, forex strategist at Mizuho Securities, told Dow Jones Newswires.
"The risk sentiment-driven rally has begun to lose steam as profit-taking kicks in and uncertainty over Greece and Spain come back into the spotlight," Suzuki said, also referring to Madrid's ongoing financial woes and need for a possible bailout.
Greece must present the "troika" -- the European Commission, the European Central Bank (ECB) and the International Monetary Fund -- with a multi-billion euro budget-cutting plan by Friday.
The worries over Greece add to a string of weak data out of China, the United States and the eurozone.
"The euro will be under pressure as the ECB is expected to lower its key rate in November or in December," Masafumi Yamamoto, chief currency strategist at Barclays Capital, said in a note to clients.
"The prospect of the eurozone's economic recovery is still uncertain given the global economic slowdown," he said. - AFP

Pakistan overcome fighting New Zealand

PALLEKELE: Off-spinner Saeed Ajmal took four wickets as Pakistan kept their nerve to pull off an exciting 13-run win over New Zealand in the World Twenty20 group D match on Sunday.

Ajmal took 4-30, his fourth four-wicket haul in Twenty20 cricket, as Pakistan restricted New Zealand to 164-9 after setting them a daunting 178-run target on the back of a brilliant career best 56 by Nasir Jamshed at Pallekele stadium.
New Zealand gave Pakistan a scare in the final five overs when they needed an improbable 70 runs, with captain Ross Taylor hitting three boundaries off Umar Gul's penultimate over before he was run out for an 11-ball 26.
Ajmal was the difference between the two sides as Pakistan unleashed its spinners, while Kiwi opener Rob Nicol (33) and Brendon McCullum (32) made major contributions to the New Zealander's reply.
Pakistan play Bangladesh in the final match on Tuesday in the group from which the top two teams will qualify for the Super Eights.
Brendon McCullum, who made the highest T20 score of 123 in his team's 59-run win over Bangladesh, hit four boundaries and a six but was finally bowled in the 16th over by Gul to almost end New Zealand's hopes.
Earlier Jamshed made a 35-ball 56 and added 76 for the second wicket with skipper Mohammad Hafeez (43).
Jamshed hit two boundaries and four sixes as Pakistan plundered 92 off the first ten overs. Hafeez hit two fours and two sixes off 38 balls.
Imran Nazir made 25 with five boundaries.
Jamshed was aggressive from the start, smashing paceman Adam Milne for a six before hitting two off spinner Nathan McCullum's successive overs. He reached his maiden fifty off just 27 balls, improving on his previous best of 45 he made against Australia in Dubai last month.
New Zealand reined them in in the middle overs, claiming three wickets for just 11 runs including that of Jamshed caught in the outfield off Daniel Vettori.
Umar Akmal scored 23 with three boundaries and a six.
New Zealand were uncharacteristically sloppy in the field, with Taylor dropping Hafeez on nought in Kyle Mills's first over while Nicol failed to hold on to a head-high Jamshed hook off the same bowler which went for six. (AFP)