
The Hamburger Bed

Aside from money, the other thing that fuels the world forward is food; every single soul needs life-giving sustenance to survive. Some like food so much they dedicate their careers to it, then there are those truly passionate about food. For these diehard fans there is the hamburger bed in which they’ll actually be able to slumber in this delicious meal while dreaming of their next great breakfast.

The hamburger bed is designed to resemble the classic all-American burger we all love to eat. The bed, like a plump all beef patty, has a circular shaped mattress so it keeps true to form unlike those other imitation beds. It has a height of 3 ft and is 8 ft in diameter which means it will comfortably fit almost any adult or man child. Besides the mattress, all other accessories on the hamburger bed are handmade. While the person comfortably snoozes on the all beef patty, they can cover themselves up with a nice thick slice of cheese and just cause we know there are picky eaters out there, the pickles and tomatoes come in the form of pillows so you can choose to leave them on the side. Aside from being on constant watch from the Hamburglar trying to steal your bed there’s no down side to sleeping in your favorite dish.

Note: This is a concept item, however the creator has said she’d sell it for $2321.77

Portable Office on Wheels

Kruikantoor is a mobile office designed by Tim Vinke from the Netherlands. Constructed out of lightweight EPS foam, the office comes with two chairs, a table, built-in lights, power strips, and bookshelves.” It even has a spot for your coffee machine!
Now you can go to work whenever, wherever...

The Facebook Bed

If you are the sort who can’t stand being away from Facebook out of fear of missing a post or a poke from a pal, we found the bed for you. Sure, you could do what most people do and just charge your smartphone at the bedside, but this concept is better for the true Facebook fan. It’s called the Facebook bed. I imagine Zuckerberg has something similar.

The FBed is shaped like a lower case “f” and the side is plastered with Facebook. On the stick of the “f” you get what appears to be a short bed area for sleeping. The cross section of the letter is the headboard and doubles as a backrest for the status updating action that happens in the curl of the letter.

The concept has a little shelf that holds your keyboard and the flat part of the “f” curl is where you place a computer monitor. It looks like you would need to be really short to sleep on that bed. It also looks like if you lean too far forward in the sitting section you will lose your monitor when the bed tips. This is a very strange concept.