
October 24, 2012

Amber Jacobs is world's youngest DJ

LONDON: The Guinness World Records has named Amber Jacobs (aka DJ AJ) the youngest DJ on the airwaves. At the tender age of six, the precocious Amber is making headlines for sharing the music that she loves on air for listeners to enjoy and is already an internet sensation.

For the past six months, Amber has been helping her dad Steve - who runs the internet radio station TBFM Online - pick out songs to air. She now has her own slot on her Dad's show - her father allows her to pick and choose what tracks to play, to speak a bit in between the songs, and to cue the music.

Music is a huge part of who Amber is. In an interview with the British daily The Sun, her father says that she is "always dancing to music inside of the studio," and when she's not working, music is still one of her favorite topics to talk about.

According to her father, when Amber is not chattering away happily about the usual goings-on at her school, she's constantly talking about her favorite bands when she's at home.


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