
October 24, 2012

This is world’s most dangerous market

Bangkok: Thailand is one of the most beautiful countries of the world but do you know the most dangerous market of the world is also situated here.

This market is located in Mekong, Thailand and known as Mekong market. The world’s most dangerous market situated at both sides of train tracks around 37 miles west of Bangkok.

Everyday train goes straight through the market. Thousands of people work there daily on the train tracks.

Tropical fruits and vegetables were in big brightly colored piles, varieties of chili pastes and herbs were abounding, Thai dishes were freshly prepared, the smell of fish and raw pork permeated, the usual crowds were moseying around, and someone’s country music wrapped up the atmosphere.

But then, eight times a day, a piercing siren sounds and in a flash the market transforms – the shoppers disappear and the stallholders whip away their produce.

It is such a tight squeeze that the train – appearing to travel at about 15mph – touches the fruits, vegetables and everything else at the marketplace as it passes through.

Once the train gone everything gets to normal.


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